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Success Stories

 Coach Pamela  L.E.A.N. Program
Lifting Weights

Through the Plant-Based Challenge I was able to  lose 15 pounds in 60-Days

I can witness to this formula.  Pamela started a Plant-Based Clean Eating Challenge with me and my husband in January 2021, which was for 2 weeks.  We enjoyed our meal plan and how we felt those two weeks that we decided to continue.  2 months later and fifteen pounds lighter (each), we have not regretted her advice and direction.  I would encourage anyone to try her L.E.A.N Program


Thanks again Pamela



I have lost 18 lbs in 65 days!!

I needed help with weight loss and my health goals and thanks to Pamela I am well on my way to achieving my goals. 
Thanks for giving me the jumpstart I needed and motivating me to achieve my short-term goal

Thanks Coach Pamela,

my joints are feeling much better. Now I can even jog!


Sherise took the first step in her weight loss journey- and 85 days later she's loving her healthier and transformed new self!

Preparing Healthy Food

I was feeling frustrated and stuck


Before I met Pamela, I have been jumping from diet to diet and still did not know what healthy eating looked like.  

The plant-based meal plan Pamela prepared for me, literally changed my life.  I enjoyed the delicious meals and the fact that I didn't feel hungry and restricted

I dropped the weight and was able to wear my old favorite jeans again (whop! whop!). 

And the bonus was the exercises- short, intense and effective


I have no regrets!

— Sheron

Enjoying life like never before!!


For many years I have been taking care of other people and neglecting myself.  The stress in my personal  life was increasing and I needed help.  My husband insisted that I call Coach Pamela, which I did-eventually.  


After 6 weeks of working with Pamela on her Wellness Program, I actually went shopping for myself, something I had not done in about ten years, and it felt really good.  

The Glow-up Challenge was very beneficial as it taught me how to take time for self-care and stress less. The challenges along with making the right food choices and exercising helped me to reclaim my health.  I am enjoying life and loving me again! 


Thank you so much Coach Pammy

-M Daniel

Trying on Heels
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I lowered my blood sugar for a consistent 5.7 smile!


The L.E.A.N Program wasn't just about shedding pounds; it was a gateway to transformative wellness – a true life-saver!


With delicious meals, energizing workouts and adopting the Simple Habits For Power Results, I traded in my 13.2 blood sugar level for a consistent 5.7 smile😀


I am feeling energized and in control like never before with my new 5.7 normal. It’s been an incredible journey! 





— S. Greene 

Reducing my blood pressure naturally!


The L.E.A.N Program is my beacon of hope as I journey towards transforming my health.


Witnessing the jaw-dropping numbers of 111/67 on the blood pressure machine is truly amazing – it's beyond incredible! Just two months ago, my blood pressure felt like an insurmountable mountain at a daunting 197/163, but thanks to Coach Pamela and the L.E.A.N program, I'm experiencing a miraculous turnaround that fills me with gratitude and hope. Not only that, I have dropped 18 lbs and the feeling is indescribable.


Stay tuned, the journey continues!





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